Personal Highlights from 2019

Now that we are coming to the end of January 2020, I would like to note down my highlights from the previous year (2019). I’ve decided to collect my achievements from the last year for two reasons; 

  • The first reason is so that they are documented and I can view them throughout the year and track my progress.
  • the second reason is so that I can brag about my achievements to everyone and motivate myself for the future.

Highlights from 2019

2019 was a great year for me and here are some of the highlights from the year

I became a Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect

This was one of main goals in 2019 that I achieved. This involved a lot of study around the different Microsoft Azure resources, especially around Networks in Azure. My goal was to use this as a springboard to change my role from a Data Specialist to a Solutions Architecture role.


Azure Solutions Architect | Sarath Boppudi

I’m very thankful that my employer, BiTQ, supported my through my certification journey. I’m very happy that my effort in studying for this exam using a variety of sources has paid off. My goal is to pay this off by switching my career from a Data Engineer to a Cloud Solutions Architect and a Data Architect/Strategist.

Microsoft’s learning portal Microsoft Learn has been very helpful in answering some of the questions that I was having problems with. This was mostly related to questions around Networking in Microsoft Azure

I received an award from BiTQ

I was recognised for my work at BiTQ, and based on the feedback from my clients I was given an award from BiTQ. I am very proud that I won this based on the feedback from my clients and would like to thank everyone at BiTQ for helping me, this was a team effort.


BiTQ Award 2019 | Sarath Boppudi

I started my blog and created first article

At the start of the year I attended SQL Saturday here is Brisbane where one of the presentations was around professional development and what professionals could do to enhance their career. One of the ideas that were suggested was the creation of a blog, and I decided after much deliberation to create one.

So I created the blog and posted my first article in August. I have not been as active posting articles on my site as I should be.

I started my first presentation at work

2019 was also the year where I started creating presentations and demos for internal use. Some of the topics I have presented on are:

  1. End-End BI using Azure Data Factory
  2. Big Data 101 – Differences between a traditional Data Warehouse and Big Data
  3. Power Apps and Image Recognition

I will be going to Microsoft Ignite in February

I will also be attending my first Microsoft ignite session this year. I am looking forward to attending for the two days and growing my network.


Microsoft Ignite Acceptance | Sarath Boppudi

Onwards to 2020

I would like to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year (2020). I hope 2020 will be a great year everyone. Take care of yourself, your family and your friends.

Have a look at additional articles at Sarath Boppudi

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